Melanie Duppins
The Alliance is easily one of the most actionable and important books I’ve ever read related to motivating and retaining talented employees.
The Alliance is easily one of the most actionable and important books I’ve ever read related to motivating and retaining talented employees.
One of the most critical issues facing companies today is their ability to retain top talent. In “The Alliance: Managing Talent for the Networked Age”, Reid takes readers through a “tour of duty” framework, showing managers how they can create a mutually beneficial alliance with employees that will not only keep them engaged, but inspire…
The Alliance clearly defines many of the new models for work needed in today’s business. Tours of duty, network intelligence, and alumni networks are powerful ways companies can learn to better attract high performers, grow their business, and model HR for the future. These are principles which apply to every company, regardless of size, age,…
A smart, fresh, (and occasionally bracing) look at the evolving relationship between the bosses and the bossed. It’s a terrific and accessible read that provides business leaders with both insights and tools to handle a world in which talent is paramount.
We all know that companies no longer offer long term employment, let alone life time employment. And yet they pretend that they do. The authors of this terrific short book explain how employers and employees should have a more honest, productive and dynamic relationships in an age when employment is likely to be temporary, shifting…
I found the book to be relevant, informative, and actionable in a way that will enhance any organization’s efforts in building high performing teams. The book was full of real-world insights and ideas that I believe make great reading for any leader. In particular, the authors put forth three ideas for building teams that really…
Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha, and Chris Yeh have written an outstanding and important book. I encourage you to get a copy right now and read it this weekend. The book, and the concept, is tightly written and extremely readable. Reid, Ben and Chris – thanks for writing this book. I hope, in 20 years, it’s…
The Alliance offers useful strategies for combating this kind of complacency and creating environments where innovation flourishes. As the authors explain, it all comes down to people.
The real secret of Silicon Valley is that it’s really all about the people.’ This is the sentence that jumps off the page for me in the opening chapter of The Alliance. I believe this deeply. Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha and Chris Yeh show us why in their fabulous new book on managing talent in…
You only have to spend a few minutes with Reid to understand why he is such a successful manager. He’s thoughtful, honest, and has a clear vision for where he wants to go, in everything he does. The Alliance provides detailed guidance on how managers can actually implement the best management practices from Silicon Valley. The…